LiveMoor – Naturally Fragrant Beeswax (Technical Grade)
2 Pure Beeswax Blocks between 26-30g each.
We are proud of our beeswax and the genuine feedback that we receive.
As a small independent company, we are not looking for a quick sale, we are looking for repeat customers who are confident in the quality of our product.
We are very careful when selecting our beeswax as our customers trust us to deliver over and over again.
Due to the process of beeswax cultivation, the suppliers we use and time of year our bars can range in colour and scent. Our wax is simply filtered through muslin to remove hive fragments and hand poured into the 1oz bars shown in the pictures.
The wax burns really well for candles, even with a smaller wick!
Great for beeswax wraps and multiple other uses around the home.