Armour Etch® Glass Etching Cream.
We are the only approved UK Armour Etch Supplier for Genuine Armour Etch in new orange labels – exclusive for UK buyers.
Looking to add a touch of personalisation and creativity to your glassware? Look no further than Armour Etch Glass Etching Cream.
With its easy-to-use formula, this cream allows you to etch intricate designs onto any glass surface, transforming ordinary items into stunning works of art.
But beyond its practical uses, Armour Etch Glass Etching Cream offers a deeper message: the power of transformation.
Just as this cream can transform plain glass into something beautiful and unique, we too have the power to transform ourselves and our surroundings.
What areas of your life could use a little extra attention and personalization? Let Armour Etch Glass Etching Cream be the catalyst for your own transformational journey.
Armour Etch is a fast acting specially formulated glass etching compound that lets you create permanent etched designs on windows, mirrors and household glassware. not suitable for plastic
Armour Etching Cream is a special formula that safely and easily removes a fine layer of glass from windows, mirrors and other glass objects to give them an attractive etched appearance.
Using contact paper or any craft stencilling paper that has a sticky back you can draw a design, then cut out the portions of the paper that you want to etch.
Apply the cream with a stiff utility or craft brush and in 5 to 10 minutes your project will be etched. Instructions are included on the bottle.
Please take care when using this etching cream, as prolonged contact with skin can cause burns
Not for sale to anyone under the age of 18.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to a large number of counterfeit Armour Etch on the market currently, the manufacturer has launched a verification page in order to confirm genuine product.
To verify your product is genuine, click this link and follow instructions: VERIFY