LiveMoor Yellow BP Grade Beeswax Pellets
This natural wax complies with the BP specification and provides strength, stability and structure in formulations for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industry.
This Yellow Beeswax is British Pharmacopoeia (BP) approved standard and can be used in lip care products, colour cosmetics, creams, lotions, moustache and beard waxes, ointments, soaps, tablet coating, depilation, and hair care products.
They have an EU food classification, E901 and are also used to coat food to provide surface protection, prevent water loss and protect against ageing.
Beeswax is secreted by worker bees for use in the construction of the honeycomb.
A typical bee colony will house between 20,000 and 80,000 bees which can produce 30-50 kilos of honey but only 3 to 5 kilos of beeswax.
The Apis Mellifera bee species is most common and is native to Europe, Africa and latterly China.
Beeswax is generally extracted from the capping’s of the honeycomb, it is washed and filtered and can be anything from pale yellow to dark brown in colour depending on the type of flora and fauna to which the bees have visited.
The Yellow BP Grade Beeswax we currently supply is Yellow in colour, however we also supply this grade beeswax in white.
Please note, as this is a natural product, colour can vary from batch to batch.
Further filtering and decolourisation may be required for some commercial applications.
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